The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child


Advancements is nothing but strategies, cycles, and aptitudes utilized for the creation of merchandise, items, administrations, and achievement of targets like new developments. The innovation of new technologies will reduce the work pressure and make life easier. Technology is always good for human beings but according to the user of technology, effect of it will change.

You all know that you were live in a fast-growing world. Now a day the technology grows a lot. It makes many changes in a developing child. Current days everyone facing a pandemic situation like the coronavirus, therefore children can’t go to school so studying using this technology. From the perspective of this, it has a good impact on children. However, many children have been using it for bad purposes. Some of the effects are given below:

1. Update their classroom

The innovation of new technologies like mobile phones, laptops, tab, etc helps the students to improve their knowledge. Children who use modern technology will definitely increase their basic skills. Also, they can grasp things quickly. Electronic materials are more interactive and stimulating.

2. Widening relationships or social circle

Many parents are very afraid of their child, while them using social networks. The use of social media is not a bad habit because it will increase the Childs social circle. The only thing matters is how they using the social networking medium. There are a lot of good and bad things are available inside it.

3. Improve visual reasoning

Whenever you using new technologies it had some pictures or videos for the easy understanding of the user. At the time of viewing high definition video, you definitely feel like you are inside that video. All those scenarios will increase your visual reasoning skill. Teaching the student through multimedia will affect more than while teach them using books.

4. Immobile physical activities

If someone spends time with the technology they are sitting for a while without moving anywhere. It will affect their health and cause many problems. In old days the children spend their time playing with their friends outside. With the evolution of technology, they spend their time in front of video games and TV programs it makes them motionless.

5. Affect school performance

Due to the use of media the studies of students were effects. Overuse of mobile phones and social media the attention span of the child getting lost, so they can’t able to concentrate on their studies. Therefore their academic performance will reduce. Whenever the child using a mobile phone or computers, the supervision of an adult is important. Do you know someone who becomes a writer or teacher or in good professions by the only use of social media or YouTube, etc?

Bottom Line

In recent times there are many available technologies. You must aware of the positive and negative sides of it. The main thing you want to notice is, in what way your child using those social media sites. Don’t allow your child to become addict to technology. Just take care of your child and live a happy life.

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