What should the best General Purpose Spill Kits contain? – Safety & Precaution!


When an industry deals into materials that pose a risk to health, practicing proper precautions becomes vital. A slight ignorance can become the difference between life and death. This is why many countries’ laws make it mandatory to have spill kits. Among the many kinds of spill kits out there, the general-purpose spill kits come in handy for common spills. So what should the best spill kits, Australia for general purposes contain? Should it contain spill pallets similar to spill pallets from Spill Station? This article will provide a brief about what a general-purpose spill kit should contain and how should you use one!

The contents of best general purpose spill kits!

A general-purpose spill kit is there to contain normal spills. Thus, it does not contain materials made to contain hazardous chemicals. If you deal in hazardous chemicals, it is advised to go for the best appropriate spill containment kits. These kits are not made to handle toxic and abrasive materials.

Contents of general purpose spill kits!

This type of spill kit contains the basic materials apt enough to contain any oil or water-based spill. Even if you do not deal into hazardous materials, you would want to have a general-purpose spill kit. It has a few benefits:

  • It swiftly contains the spill and ensures a smooth workflow within the industry without much delay. This saves huge costs.
  • Spills sometimes damage the infrastructure of the industry. This will ensure that furniture or other material stays safe.
  • Liquid is apt enough to pierce any small gap. Sparks and Fire can happen in the worst cases. A general purpose kit saves from this possible mishap.

Now it comes to what does the best spill kits (Australia) contain.

A general-purpose spill kit contains these materials –

  • Absorbent Booms – These look like rolled up towels. However, the length of these booms stay much bigger. You surround the spill area with these long stretched booms to ensure that the liquid does not go beyond a boundary.
  • Absorbent Pads – These look like small square shaped mats that you can throw at the spill to absorb the liquid. These products are generally made using Polypropylene. This material has a higher absorbency rate and saves you cost too.
  • Loose Absorbent Floor Sweep – Think of this as a lot of dust like loose material that you can throw at the spill. The floor sweep is made up of loose non-flammable environment friendly material. The material absorbs the spill when you throw it over it. You can sweep it later and collect in the bags provided using gloves.
  • Waste Bags and Gloves – You might not want to miss on it. Gloves are as important as other materials in the kit. The best spill kits (Australia) contain a set of gloves and waste bags to contain the waste. These bags should have clear instructions made out using cautionary colors.

Is this all? We doubt it. The above materials are what you will need to contain the spill. But there are other necessary materials that a kit should contain.

Necessary things to ensure in a spill kit!

Make sure the kit has an instruction manual to guide you on how to use the kit. The instruction sheet must have lamination. It will ensure that it remains safe in times of need. You would not want to have a kit with no idea of how to use it.

These kits come with containment capacity. Ensure your demand meets the capacity of the kit. You would not want to use a 120-liter kit to contain a 150 ltr spill. If you have liquid in drums, make sure you go for spill pallets too. Spill Pallets from Spill Station are one of the best available in the market. When buying a spill kit, make sure you go for the best spill kits (Australia). It will save you from losses, guilt, repentance, and a foul image in the market!

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